某裔君 大衮1537 我还没开始玩,搜索了来自外网的答案: Jemison Mercantile in New Atlantis 商店购买 Loot the enemy ships you destroy 掠夺敌船 Find Ship Parts in the floating Shipping Containers that can be seen orbiting around many planets and moons 扫描星轨上漂浮的集装箱 If you find a ship under attack by hostiles, you can help them out by defeating the enemy ships and saving their life. 见义勇为后选飞船部件
大衮1537 对于我来说,这游戏有趣的地方也就剧情任务和飞船建造了 做完了各大阵营主线,各个造船厂都去过了,通过对话看完成阵营任务好像是解锁了一些之前不能用的配件, 另外自己哨站也能改配件,比较全,不过哨站系统很差劲,只能等两年看看。