Deydranos大佬制作的一套护甲,男女皆可穿戴,可锻造,看着华夏特色的山纹甲,别有一番风味,作者说灵感来源于卡吉特人的双月守卫,但其实老滚的世界观里,据说阿卡维尔大陆是存在东方某神秘大国背景的“龙虎人”的,勉强算Lore friendly吧。提供1K 2K 4K材质供选择,手动覆盖汉化文件即可。女角色单独使用部分甲胄需要CBBE。
The Lunar Guard armor is a craftable heavy armor, heavily inspired by the khajiit. I felt like there weren't a lot of lore friendly armors that catered solely to them, hence the creation of this armor mod. The name of the mod is derived from the Bi-Lunar Guard in Elder Scrolls lore.
The armor can be worn by any gender and race. It also has weight sliders. The helmet and cuirass meshes are tweaked depending on race. There are 3 versions of the helmet and cuirass; 1 for the khajiit, 1 for the argonian and 1 for all non-beast races.
The body proportions for the male version are based on the vanilla body, the proportions of the female version are based on the CBBE body. The armor covers the entire body, so the armor works with any body mod as long as you wear all pieces at once.
Download and install through your mod manager of choice. Remember to activate the ESP. Can be placed anywhere below your masters in your load order, as it does not overwrite anything. The ESP is flagged as an ESPFE so it does not take up a slot in the ESP limit.
In order to avoid any vanilla edits, the armor can only be acquired through crafting. Stat wise it's in the same tier as ebony and therefore also has the same recipe requirements as ebony armor (including the Ebony Smithing perk). It also requires 1 to 3 moonstones, depending on armor piece. The armor can be tempered (requires moonstone again) and enchanted.
Should be compatible with any mod, as it does not edit any vanilla records. Mods that change or hide the vanilla body meshes may cause clipping. Mods that hide the beast race tails such as cloaks cause the tail armor to stick out without the tail.
If you plan on playing with only parts of the armor equipped on a female character, CBBE is required to avoid seams and clipping. Otherwise, no mods are required.
Known Issues
I've done my best to avoid/reduce clipping during animations as much as I can, but some clipping is impossible to prevent entirely and may still occur.