有一个专门的关于闪退日志的详解Netscriptframework Crash Compilation解释了这个:SkyrimSE.exe+D6DDDA
Stack: BSResource::anonymous_namespace::LooseFileStream* OR BSResource::ArchiveStream* OR BSResource::CompressedArchiveStream**
*This occurs when you don't have enough virtual memory on your disk drive OR you have a corrupt texture amidst one of your mods. Many have tested both causes out and they appear to be indistinguishable when observing the crash log. If you think you have enough virtual memory already enabled, then the first line of action would be to sleuth out which mod texture is causing the issue. The stacks mentioned above can help you with this investigation. If it mentions LooseFileStream, it will most likely mention which texture is the corrupt one. This can help funnel down which mod is overwriting this texture. If you are having a hard time finding the mod of question, then you can search in your entire mod folder using windows file explorer to find which mod has this texture. As for the stacks ArchiveStream and CompressedArchiveStream, these refer to a BSA that may have this corrupt texture. This is a bit harder to track down, but there is method you could try attempting. If you suspect a mod of causing this crash, try extracting the BSA and see if the crash repeats with LooseFileStream mentioned rather than the previous ArchiveStream. Once you've tracked down which texture may be causing the issue, you can try disabling the mod and see if the crash repeats. If it doesn't, then congratulations. From here, you can try cleaning the mod using CAO or disabling it in general.
If it isn't a texture issue, then you can attempt to increase your virtual memory. This can be done by increasing your pagefile size for your hard disk(Google or Bing how to increase pagefile size). I would recommend creating your pagefile on an SSD as that is significantly faster and less stuttery.